Der Mondmann

Genere: Animated film / Trailer
Anno: 2009-2012
Durata: 01:45 min
Descrizione: Moon ManThe Man in the Moon is lonely and longs for company. When a comet passes, he grabs its tail and travels to Earth. There he discovers a lot of new things and befriends the inventor Bunsen van der Dunkel. But soon, the Man in the Moon needs to go back to space: Firstly because the children on Earth can't sleep without him shining a light on them, and secondly because Earth's evil president is planning to conquer the Moon. Thus Bunsen van der Dunkel has to construct a rocket which can take the Man in the Moon back to his home in time to thwart the president's scheme.
Fonte esterna: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Diritti: In Copyright / Neue Visionen Filmverleih GmbH (Berlin)
Director: Stephan Schesch
Tipo documento:
Language: de